domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Zona Zàpping

This summer, I was working in the swimming pool as a socorrist. I was there with some friends, very bored. One of them said he had some water baloons. They started to play with the baloons, and then, I had an idea: I took a baloon and I threw it like a bowling ball. It was funny, and we started to do it more and more difficult. The following day I took a camera. We asked a man to record the scene, but he didn't do it well. We recorded a few times with different people. The last time we asked some boys and girls from the pool to participate in the video, and another man recorded the action. Look at the result.

I sent the video to the tv3 program Zona Zàpping. The 17th of Septembre they put the video in the TV as the winner of a TV, which is now in my bedroom.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

Spanish championship

I couldn't write before because I have been in Palma, Mallorca. I left on Thursday from Barcelona by plane. In Mallorca, the firsts days the weather was so good that I wished it was summer to have a bath in the sea. But I didn't go to Mallorca for a holidays. I went to Mallorca because I competed in the spanish championship. Since Friday to Sunday there were hundreds of young swimmers in Son Hugo's pool. It is fantastic because you can and swim with some swimmers who will participate in european or world championship. And the most important, I could saw friends that I only can see 4 or 5 times in a year.
It has been an amazing weekend, and now I have to train twice a week again, for the next championship!